icon location Krk

In the shade of great oaks

Milohnići – Brzac – Poljica – Žgaljići – Pinezići – Linardići – Milohnići (western hinterland of the city of Krk)


20 km icon length
377 icon ascent

This intermediate, dynamic MTB trail is the perfect choice for more seasoned cyclists who want to explore the wider area and the settlements of the city of Krk. It is challenging due to the combination of asphalt surface, macadam and cartroads, up to the more demanding parts with narrow stone paths enclosed with “gromače” (dry stone walls).

The route passes through wooded Šotovento, the westernmost part of the island, which is derived from the Italian name for the island’s natural shelter from the wind and that starts in Milohnići. From this picturesque and typical location for the island, the centrepiece of which is the Church of Our Lady of Health, distinguished by a simple facade with a bell-gable and built in the early 20th century, cyclists continue towards the village of Brzac, where they will pass another religious building.

The structure in question is, of course, the Chapel of St. Peter, which was constructed in the late 17th century and where Holy Masses were presided over by members of the Third Order Regular of St. Francis of Penance from the neighbouring Glavotok, which is the next section of the trail. The route, however, does not pass through that charming settlement, which was first mentioned in the late 13th century, but instead leads to a road that will take all those eager to explore cultural landmarks seabound to a quiet harbour and a Franciscan monastery, which also houses a church dedicated to the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which boasts Renaissance and Baroque stylistic features. The evergreen oasis of holly oaks around Glavotok, which is joined by a forest of ancient downy oaks, is a protected forest vegetation reserve that invites enjoyment and contemplation with its beauty and uniqueness. You will be surrounded by soothing verdancy and, when ascending towards Čavlena Bay, recreationists will be in for another surprise in the area of Dolinji Drmun Puški, namely the largest, oldest and most famous island oak. This amazing 400-year-old tree, situated in an unspoiled landscape, stands out with its height of 20 metres, a crown diameter of 30 metres and a trunk circumference exceeding five metres, which means that you can feel the true power of nature here, especially in the spring. There are two ponds nearby, as well as several other awe-inspiring trees, although even they are dwarfed by the aforementioned island giant. Snaking through the forest, the route links up with the gravel road (Bijela cesta), which will bring cyclists to the village of Poljica, where they can replenish at one of the local catering establishments, as well as visit the Church of Sts. Cosmas and Damian, which also encompasses a massive stone bell tower. Sheltered by the shade, they will continue riding towards the village of Žgaljići, followed by Pinezići and Linardići, and halfway between those two settlements, they can rest by the stone walls of the small Church of St. Sixtus (also known as St. Xystus or St. Six). It was first attested in the 13th century and is distinguished by a simple layout with a prominent semicircular apse. The church is relatively well-preserved up to the roof, with the exception of the completely absent front wall. The pleasant final section extends above the bay and port of Vela Jana and ends with a return to Milohnići via Linardići.


– Church of Our Lady of Health, Milohnići

– Chapel of St. Peter, Brzac

– Monastery of the Third Order Regular of St. Francis of Penance and the Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Glavotok

– largest and oldest island oak; two ponds, Dolinji Drmun Puški

– Church of St. Cosmas and Damian, Poljica

– small Church of St. Sixtus