icon location Krk

Through the green oasis of the Krk hinterland

Prniba Peninsula (south-eastern hinterland of the city of Krk)


6,3 km icon length
84 m icon ascent

Cycling is the best and fastest way to explore the tree-clad peninsula of Prniba, which stretches to the southeastern part of the settlement of Krk and borders Camp Krk.

Since this is an easy trail, recreationists of all ages can explore and cycle around this green oasis, including families with children who can enjoy a pleasant and carefree ride. This trail is quite practical since it offers both the proximity of the settlement and its amenities and, due to its layout, a choice between several alternative routes, some longer, some shorter, so that everyone can tailor the tour of the peninsula to their own preferences and abilities. Prniba also boasts distinct flora, specifically the dense pine forest, whose shade makes cycling pleasant even in the summer. It also offers access to the sea with isolated beaches and secluded rocks where everyone can find a place for themselves. In addition to all the boons of nature, such as stunning vistas, highlighted by the islands of Cres and Plavnik on one side and by the Puntarska Draga bay and the islet of Košljun on the other, many surprises await all outdoor enthusiasts interested in natural, cultural and historical heritage. Particularly, the stone remains of the Church of St. Vitus, which is hidden from plain sight by a thick pine forest, as well as the adjacent pond or the Pier of St. Nicholas, which used to be a busy port of Krk with traffic flowing between Punt, Košljun and Krk.

From the Pier spreads a view towards the 190-metre distant islet of Košljun where a community of Franciscans found their refuge. Nestled amid a lush forest of holly oak and manna ash is a monastery with a Renaissance church and a large atrium, to which the islet owes its protected status as a Special Forest Vegetation Reserve. The construction of the Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary was completed on the site of the older Benedictine Abbey of St. Mary in the first half of the 16th century. The monastery complex is home to vast ethnographic, archaeological and religious collections and a library of more than 30,000 books, which is reason enough to visit this relevant historical site while taking a break from cycling.


– remains of the Church of St. Vitus

– pond (near the Church of St. Vitus)

– Pier of St. Nicholas with a view of the islet of Košljun