icon location Krk

Through the heart of Krk Island

Krk – Oštrobradići – Žgombići – Kremenići – Sv. Vid Miholjice – Mršići – Gabonjin – Kras – Garica – Kampelje – Krk (centre of Krk Island)


39,4 icon length
706 icon ascent

More experienced cyclists will be delighted with this trail, which follows the existing road infrastructure and passes through several of the island's local governments, such as the City of Krk and the municipalities of Malinska-Dubašnica, Dobrinj and Vrbnik, especially since it envelops the very heart of the island. Starting in Krk, more specifically outside the sports centre, it climbs the state road D102 and the greenest area of the island, which encircles Lake Ponikve, towards the outskirts of the Municipality of Malinska-Dubašnica, while passing through the smaller and almost completely connected scenic villages of Barušići, Oštrobradići, Žgombići and Kremenići. The ascent then leads the cyclists to the settlement of Sv. Vid – Miholjice, which is overlooked by the Parish Church of St. Michael the Archangel that was finished in the late 19th century on the site of an older church. A thirty-metre-high bell tower, which was built in the 1920s, rises above its facade.

The route passes through the square in front of the church, which is perfect for a short break, after which the road shoots up towards the Municipality of Dobrinj and the villages of Gabonjin and Kras. In Gabonjin, history, culture and language buffs can visit the Glagolitic Park, which opened in 2010 and embodies the effort of the local community to preserve and present the Glagolitic script and the period of its creation. The sixteen stone sculptures that comprise the Park symbolise significant moments in local and national history, as well as individuals who made their mark in the Glagolitic tradition. However, Gabonjin, which was first mentioned in the 14th century, still hides numerous fascinating sites, such as the church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the town centre, which was constructed in the middle of the last century, and the Glagolitic educational trail that leads to the top of a picturesque hill, where the small Church of St. Peter is situated. The road from Gabonjin leads to the neighbouring Karst, whose centre is guarded by the Church of St. Anthony of Padua, which was erected in the early 20th century on the foundations of an older structure whose construction had been ordered by the Hospital Brothers of St. Anthony. As you cycle amid dense vegetation, you will reach the Municipality of Vrbnik and, upon bypassing a large quarry, continue all the way to Garica, after which the route descends to the hamlet of Kampelje and then proceeds through the woods and olive groves to the final destination, the city of Krk.

In the last section, before connecting with the state road D102, one of the oldest and largest trees on the island – “koprivić”, which the denizens of Vrbnik (which we have not yet left) call “poprivić”, will give cyclists a green welcome by the road. Its fruits, leaves and bark are thought to have medicinal properties. The small dark brown fruits used to be a popular children’s treat due to their sweet taste. This legendary tree is located in the immediate vicinity of the Misučajnica or Misočajnica pond, which is teeming with life today. The descent towards Krk is unforgettable, not only because of the well-tended olive groves surrounded by “gromače” (dry stone walls), but also because of the breathtaking view of Puntarska Draga bay, the islet of Košljun, the Prniba peninsula and the village of Punat. Along the road, which is the final cultural and historical destination of the tour, before entering Kornić, it is worth mentioning one highly recognisable stone building – the trefoil-arched early Romanesque Church of St. Donatus, dating to the second half of the 12th century.


– Parish Church of St. Michael the Archangel, St. Vid – Miholjice

– Glagolitic Park, Gabonjin

– Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Gabonjin

– Glagolitic Path, Gabonjin

– Church of St. Peter, Gabonjin

– Church of St. Anthony of Padua, Kras

– majestic “koprivić”, one of the oldest and largest trees on the island

– Misučajnica or Misočajnica pond

– olive groves

– Church of St. Donatus